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Power of Attorney in Turkiye

Power of Attorney means authorizing a lawyer or a professional consultancy company on your behalf when buying a property in Turkiye.
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Power of Attorney in Turkiye

Power of Attorney means authorizing a lawyer or a professional consultancy company on your behalf when buying a property in Turkiye. You can easily control every purchasing transaction you authorize without having to come to Turkiye. Also, you can easily purchase real estate with your attorney who will make the follow-up of legal transactions easier during real estate purchases in Turkiye. If you want to acquire citizenship by purchasing real estate, you can easily carry out your transactions with the legal authority you have given power of attorney.

Issuing a POA for easily buying a property in Turkiye, along with all your transactions related to citizenship, makes your purchasing easier. Power of Attorney, which is necessary for deed transfer transactions, means that you transfer your rights to the person who will legally represent you. When purchasing a Mulkiyet, when you give someone the right to represent, that is a power of attorney. It means that you give power to this person to act on your behalf for the transactions to be carried out”.

What is the Meaning of “Power of Attorney in Turkiye” ?

Power of Attorney in Turkiye means that foreign home buyers give power of attorney to their legal counsel to handle their transactions while purchasing a property. While purchasing a property in Turkiye, the attorney or legal consultant who is given power of attorney manages all the transactions of the property. You are able to have your power of attorney done, including your bank transactions.

The person given a POA can do all the transactions on your behalf including rental transactions.

When determining your legal consultant who will carry out citizenship acquisition transactions by purchasing real estate in Turkiye, you must find a professional person you trust.

The power of attorney only given with regard to the necessary procedures. The authorized person to whom you have given the power of attorney will be prohibited from doing anything other than the specified articles. The power of attorney to be given for the sale of real estate must be given to a very reliable authority.

Must-Have Legal Documents in Turkiye

Necessary documents for power of attorney in Turkey:

• Original passport and translation
• Tax ID number
• Two passport pictures

How to Issue a Power of Attorney?

You have to go to the notary public with the necessary documents for power of attorney. When you go to the notary office, the officers will translate the needed information for you in the POA document.

After the necessary signatures have been made, you need to pay the necessary fees. After the fees are paid, take your receipts.

The documents to be given to you at the notary will be in Turkish. It is mandatory to have a sworn translator to translate the Turkish information on the documents prepared for you to sign.

What Does a POA Cost?

Power of Attorney is an important step to make your business easier to buy a property in Turkiye. The notary Power of Attorney will apply the prices determined according to the word character numbers written on your papers. The Power of Attorney cost is determined after writing.

What Are the Characteristics of The Person to Be A Power of Attorney?

You are able to issue Power Of Attorney to all adults aged 18 and older in Turkey.

Is it Necessary to be in Turkiye to Give Power of Attorney?

You do not have to be in Turkiye to give Power of Attorney. You can make an appointment at the Turkish consulate in your country. After that, you can give a POA for your appointment date by applying at the consulate in your country. It is sufficient to submit it to your attorney in Turkiye.

What is Needed for Power of Attorney in Turkiye?

The procedures are easy in Turkiye and what is required to give Power of Attorney is very simple. A Tax ID Number will be required. The person to whom you give your power of attorney uses your passport number to get your Tax ID Number. For the Power Of Attorney, you must include the authorization to obtain a tax number. Your tax number is thus taken on your behalf. The same person can get more than one power of attorney. One of the most important things to be considered about the person to whom the power of attorney is given is that your attorney is a lawyer. If a procedure is required in the immigration office, the person you have given power of attorney must be one of the lawyers in Turkiye.

“A Statutory Form Power of Attorney Sample in Turkiye”

”Sahip olacağım/olacağımız, İstanbul ili, …… ilçesi, …. Mahallesinde kain ve tapunun …… pafta, …. ada, …. parsel numarasında kayıtlı (bu ada ve parsel numarasının, iskan alınmadan önce tapu ve kadastro müdürlüğü tarafından değiştirilmesi halinde de geçerli olmak kaydıyla) …… Konut Projesindeki … Blok, … No’lu bağımsız bölümlerin tamamını veya bir kısmını/hissesini dilediği bedel ve dilediği şartlarla, takyidatlı ya da takyidatsız olarak satın almaya,bedellerini ödemeye, bu taşınmaza ilişkin olarak gerek satıcı nezdinde Taşınmaz Mal Satış Vaadi veya Ön Ödemeli Konut Satış Sözleşmesi veya her türlü satış sözleşmeleri ile sair sözleşme, taahhüt ve sair evrakı imzalamaya ve gerekse tapu müdürlüğü huzurunda imzalanması gereken resmi satış sözleşmesi ve sair her türlü sözleşmeleri imzalamaya, tapuda verilecek ferağ takrirlerini ilgili tapu sicil müdürü veya yetkili memur huzurunda kabule, adıma/adımıza tescil talebinde bulunmaya, tapu defteri ve sicillerini ve tüm belgelerini imzalamaya, her türlü harç, rüsum, vergi, resim, teminatları yatırmaya, icabında geriye almağa, bu işlerden dolayı beni/bizi bilcümle resmi ve hususi daireler, gerçek veya tüzel kişiler bilcümle tapu daireleri, vergi daireleri nezdinde tam yetkilerle temsil etmeye, yukarıdaki işlemleri birden çok kereler yapmaya yetkili olmak üzere ……. ……., ….. DOĞUMLU ……… TC Kimlik Numaralı …… ….. ….., … ….. ….. DOĞUMLU ……… TC Kimlik Numaralı ….. ……, …. İle …. ….. .. /.. / …. doğumlu ………. T.C. Kimlik Numaralı …… ……. ve (V.N…………..)…… ……. …… ……..’… birlikte veya ayrı ayrı olmak üzere vekil tayin ettim/ettik. ( Başkalarını tevkil, teşrik ve azil yetkisi sadece ….. ……. …… ……’ye aittir.) “

(It is the sample document that the buyer must have it signed at the Turkish consulate in his/her country to obtain Power Of Attorney permission.)

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